John Anthony – Occam’s Razor
- Do you feel overwhelmed by all the pick-up content out there?
- Are you fed up with endless contradicting concepts?
- Are you tired of fake “gurus” who keep failing you?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then I can tell you this:
I’ve been there. My name is John Anthony. And I’m here to help you handle your dating life ONCE AND FOR ALL.
Since 2011, I made it my mission get good at… no.. Be the BEST at this. My dream was to hit the 100 lays. I thought it was impossible.
Occam’s Razor consists of 4 parts
Know What To Do: The Masterclass
- The theory section covers literally EVERYTHING you need to know about game. It cuts out all the fluff and bullshit.
See How It’s Done: The Infields
After watching this section you will understand why I say that I am the instructor with the most infield footage recorded. 30 night game infield footage videos showing interactions from start to finish including many pulls (taking women back to your house). Unlike other company’s “hotseats” that you have to pay to watch one-time, you get to KEEP all these videos so you can pause, rewind, and rewatch them again and again.
They will show you how to interact with women in different situation such as at bars, clubs, and on the street… Whether the woman is alone, with her friend, in a group, with or without other guys, EVERY SINGLE CASE is covered in those videos. And you get to SEE and HEAR everything that’s happening in the interaction
Absorb The Knowledge: The Worksheets
The worksheets are designed to help you digest the content and avoid information overload. Skip those at your own risk. Every question is carefully designed to make you understand and remember every concept I am talking about.
See there are 4 level of competence: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, inconscious competence. These worksheets are designed to get you to have inconscious competence.
Apply The Knowledge: The 6 Week Challenge
After going through the worksheets, the 6 weeks challenge is the CLOSEST thing to a bootcamp to create a lasting transformation in your game. I want you to treat those sheets as YOUR PERSONAL COACH. This is almost like having me coaching you and guiding you through the different concepts.
Going through all these modules and infields can be pretty overwhelming and you can quickly fall into the trap of INFORMATION OVERLOAD. I am conscious of this problem in the community. Most people consume without taking action. Don’t be one of those. Stand out.
This course is for you
- You might not expect this but… This is actually the BEST PLACE to be in when starting this program.
- This will get you the CONSISTENCY you want.
- You’re already banging hot chicks on a relatively regular basis? Sweet.
Being an “advanced” guy, you probably see things that rookies don’t. Right?
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