Honest Signalz – Foolproof Approach
Introducing The Foolproof Approach!
The Foolproof Approach course will teach you everything you need to know about how to succeed with every single approach.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a beginner kicking things off in this “talking to girls” business, or if you consider yourself more advanced…
…we’ll walk you through exactly HOW you can improve, and get yourself to a point where dates are rolling in every week with ease.
Consistency is key!
In this course, you’ll be getting over 10 hours of premium content where we literally hold you by the hand and show you how to approach women in any type of scenario; it doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night. We’ve covered the WHOLE spectrum! This is the most extensive program we’ve ever created.
Everything in this course has been strategically and carefully calibrated so that the content and structure is relevant to your level of experience and skill, and will guarantee you the results you are looking for.
Never again will you have to worry about what to say.
We’ll help you get out of your head and shake off approach anxiety for good.
And while this will be the most comprehensive program you’ll ever find on approaching, I’ll admit that approaches can still be messy… even for me, at times.
But that’s completely OK!
Most approaches won’t look super smooth, to be honest. (as we’ll talk about in section 3.2)
The real secret sauce is in how you react and hold it together. (which we’ll go over in section 3.5)
You should ultimately aim to make them as EFFECTIVE as possible.
By working on all the fine little details of good calibration, and once put together, your approaches as a whole end up looking smooth as a result.
I swear every time I talk about Foolproof Approach, I get more and more excited because I know what it can do and how much it will benefit you.
Section 1: Foolproof Approach Fundamentals
This is where we START! We’re going to be breaking everything down into bite-size fundamentals so you can download each section with the utmost confidence. Over are the days where you have to worry about mindset, approach anxiety, night game vs day game approaches, going in direct vs indirect and of course your VIBE. Everything is laid out in a way where each and every concept will become second nature to you in no time!
Section 2: Day Game
Day game gets a class of its own because you can meet some of the most beautiful women out and about during the day. With the advent of online dating and most everyone meeting the opposite sex (in real life) solely out at night at bars and clubs these days, meeting and attracting women in the daytime has been steadily decreasing… if you’re not comfortable with day game you ARE leaving a lot of opportunities to meet your dream girl on the table. Why? Because women love to be hit on, ANY TIME of the day!
Section 3: Night Game
We couldn’t possibly talk about Day Game without also mentioning its classic companion, Night Game. In this portion of the program, we’ll talk everything bars, clubs, lounges & restaurants, how to open in each setting depending on the ‘vibe’, positioning yourself in high stimulus environments (what that means) and how to properly calibrate to the various settings, interactions, and dynamics you’ll encounter.
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