Talmadge Harper – Confidence to Hypnotize (Erotic or Steet Hypnosis)
What is included in the download?
Two Powerful Enhanced Hypnosis Mp3s
What is the best way to maximize effectiveness?
Within 1-7 days you will notice your fears of practicing hypnosis vanish Within 2-3 weeks your mind set will be transformed. You will go out and hypnotize strangers and family without any fear of failure.
What is the expected outcome?
Confidence to master and hypnotize anyone at anytime. You will find that any fear you had is quickly transformed into the courage to learn from any mistakes, and the ability to see the adventure and fun in learning.
What commitment do you have to make?
Listen to this mp3 once a day before you go to bed so you can fall asleep listening. You will see results in the first week. Keep in mind that there are subliminals and you won’t be able to hear anyone talking. If you do hear voices it will be just barely but it is designed to be this way. It is VITAL that you use a high quality pair of ear buds or headphones. Cheapo 3 dollar ear buds or ear phones are not capable of capturing all the isochronal tones and subliminals.
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