Johnathan White Lifestyle – Multi-Orgasmic Man 2.0
Here’s what you’ll get:
Week 1:
- Getting clarity and removing self-sabotaging habits
- Beating Porn Addiction
- Transformational Breathwork
- Clearing negative emotions
- Balancing the internal organs for radiant health
- Sexual Vitality Breathing
- Breath as a tool for ejaculation control
Week 2:
- Microcosmic Orbit – the pathway for full-body orgasm
- Internal Energy Secrets: how to supercharge your practice and tangibly experience energy
- Qigong warmups to pack the hands with energy
- Dragon Orbit Qigong practice to powerfully activate your body’s energy
- Secret Wudang Mountain Microcosmic Orbit Meditation method
- Tummo breathing to instantly energize, dissolve stress, and get into peak state
Week 3:
- Grounding your sexual energy
- Connecting with the power of the Earth
- Earth Pulsing qigong to increase sexual vitality
- How grounding increases sexual potency and helps control ejaculation
- Zhan Zhuang Power Standing: develop rooting power, focus, and full-body energetic charge
Week 4:
- Orgasmic Breathing
- Sexual Qigong
- How to do Kegels properly: create a STRONG and RELAXED pelvic floor to contain high levels of arousal
- Charging the energy meridians and Chakras with sexual energy
- Semen Retention Lifestyle
Week 5:
- How to keep the pelvic floor relaxed for complete ejaculatory control
- Arousal control mastery
- Advanced Power Lock for full-body orgasm
- Yin Power Lock
- The finger lock dry orgasm technique for instant non-ejaculatory orgasm
- How to channel your sexual energy into magnetizing your ideal life
- How to avoid overheating and release excess energy
Week 6:
- Immortal Breath – Activating the glands with orgasmic energy
- Discharging sexual energy from the genitals to avoid ejaculation
- Charging the entire body with aroused sexual energy
- Partner application: F*ck like a King
- Exchanging Sexual Energy
- Tantric Connection and Sexual Healing
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