Jon Sinn & Bobby Rio – Bionic Verbal Game
What you’ll learn in Bionic Verbal Game:
Week 1: Five-Minute Chemistry
Whether you’re on a date, at a bar, or striking up a conversation with a co-worker she’s making a “snap decision” In the first five minutes, everything about you.
You have only one goal: To create “conversation chemistry”
Week 2: Flipping the Attraction Switch
Every conversation contains a moment where the switch gets switched. “flipped” You transform a casual conversation into a sexually charged, flirtatious encounter.
All it takes is one well-Timed comment delivered when she least anticipates it.
Attraction is all about surprise.
Week 3: Making it Work
Have you ever met a girl you felt attracted to but it was gone by the end?
The switch was turned on and the lights came back on. Did you lose her interest?
Because most men mistakenly believe that getting her attention is the goal.
It’s not.
Attraction is a way to get her to work for you.
Week 4: Comfort & Connection
If you ever had a girl who was really into you balk at giving you her number or going home with you, or later when you text her she doesn’t respond its because you didn’t create enough connection.
See, a girl can feel attraction for you, but if she never sees you as more than a fun random guy she’s talking to, she’ll put the breaks on before sleeping with you, and even if you wind up kissing her, its unlikely you’ll get her out again.
This is why this phase is crucial.
Week 5: Turning it Sexual
We have a saying, “girls expect things to happen fast when there’s chemistry”
And the #1 reason guys blow it with a girl is that they don’t move things to a sexual level quick enough.
Before you know it, things will be over.
The major idea you want to really keep in your mind is that women want to have sex, but they don’t want the responsibility for making it happen.
You must be able verbally and physically direct your interaction toward physical intimacy.
Week 6: Logistics, Obstacles, & Defining the Relationship
What can you say to suggest going back home? What if your place isn’t an option and you have to suggest going to her place?
What is the right amount of persistence to show when a girl offers a kiss on her cheek? How should you respond verbally to a girl who is turning her cheek for a kiss?
What is the best time to have the “relationship” conversation with a girl you’ve been dating? What would you say?
What’s the right ways to respond to shit tests like if a girl sarcastically comments about your age, height, or what you’re wearing?
How do you get a girl to let go of her friends and just be by yourself? How can you convince her to stay with your family when her friends leave?
What are you going to do if she insists that you get up at 5 a.m. You can also tell if she is blatantly telling you. “I’m not going to sleep with you”
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