Social Encrypted by Alex
Transform Yourself Into the Life of the Party And Attract Your Dream Girl without manipulative tactics or creepy pick up lines and routines
What you’ll learn in Social Encrypted:
The most comprehensive collection of infield videos to show you every aspect of social dynamics and make you a true master in the pick up game.
1. YOU ARE ENOUGH: The Ultimate State of Evolution
The Philosophy That Drives All Game: ‘You Are Enough’.
2. The Male Brain (YOU ARE ENOUGH)
Alex talks about the natural tendencies of your deep set emotional hard wiring, how to understand them and how to use them to your advantage.
3. Relaxed Arousal (ATTRACTION)
Alex talks about how you misunderstand attraction as something you try to build up to, but rather, attraction is something that happens when you monopolise your own state of emotions, come into control of your own faculties and use them to express yourself emotionally to influence and seduce others.
4. Tell Your Story (TALKING & SCREENING)
Alex talks about how you can find the ability to never run out fo things to say by tapping into the content of your story. He explains the importance of being able to share engage-able content to run interactions and create involvement from others.
5. Expression, Not Impression (TALKING & SCREENING)
Alex talks about the vital difference to share your self emotionally in the form of open expression, not the form of impression making, reaction seeking interactions. How you can offer an open emotional influence on others without agenda, so as not to make women defensive during interactions
6. Screening (What Are Tests? & Responding With 4xRule)
Alex talks about the idea that when ‘you are enough’ it’s easy enough to interact with anyone, but difficult to find girls who are single and available. He talks about how to use conversation to discover who is available and who is not, and how to screen for logistics so you can make a knowing decision of who you want to game.
7. What Are Tests? & Responding With 4xRule
Alex talks about the constant variable of women’s tests toward men, who to anticipate them, how to endure them, how to elicit them so you can beat them to cause seductions in interactions.
8. Responding To Tests & Playing With Fire (TESTS & 4xRULE)
Alex talks about emotionally charging interactions by being more verbally and behaviourally aggressive, in order to spike emotions, have people react to you, and then handle strong reactions, and therefore seduce women.
Alex talks about physicality in the game, the difference between escalation and physical rapport, goes through an extensive range of escalation moves, and how to use them, give an introduction to the front door rule and how all these concept can be used to add masculine emotion to your interactions.
10. Period Metaphor (THE PROCESS)
Alex talks about the extensive list of phases in the process of a night seducing girls. Starting form entering a venue, working with groups, take aways, evaluating screens, making a key decision, in-game game, sexy girl dance time, the front door rule, and man with a plan onward to the afterparty.
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